+27 067 669 6969, 069 939 9999
Mon - Sat : 09 AM - 09 PM
Our Services

Water Borehole Drilling & Rehabilitation Services

Geological Survey

It is a systematic, organized and scientific investigation of Geological field that enables to create a geological model that exhibits several important facts about the area. This includes essential information about the mineral resources, natural or artificial exposure of the rocks so that the origin, composition and age of them can be figured out, etc.

Boreholes Drilling

As we know Borehole drilling is vital for human existence and progress. In fact, all types of industry, be it commercial, non-commercial, domestic or international businesses need water for survival and existence and this is where boreholes drilling is of vital importance and this is where Aqua Drilling plays its part with its experience and dedication.

Boreholes Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation refers to a process that is extensively used to restore a borehole or a well, which is deviated from standard functioning. This involves reviving its flow rate, cleaning pollution, increasing depth, improving water level due to dry ups, reconstructing damaged concrete, correcting equipment breakdowns, etc. there are several methods and tools which may be adopted to perform the tasks and rehabilitate the well to its initial stage.

Drilling for blasting and soil testing holes for mining

Aqua Drilling, a long player in bore well drilling field has even accumulated the much-needed experience, useful tools and engineering instruments for blast holes drilling for mining too. Its techniques are not only productive but are also long lasting and economical. The low priced mining costs and successful team will make drilling for mining an easier task.

Borehole Drilling Proper Casing in place of proper casting

Blast Hole drilling, done with controlled usage of explosives, is one of the most rigorous as well as expensive processes of any civil project. It requires specific engineering tools and instruments drills holes inside the hard rocks for mining and other purposes. The drilling pattern, diameter of the hole, and other factors depend complelety on the client’s requirement, however the diameter ranges from 30 mm to 400 mm to be on the safer side.

Borehole Pumping Test

A pumping test is an experiment carried out in field where any water well is pumped at a particular and controlled rate to measure the drawdown or water level response, for the surrounding wells apart from the one under experiment.


A Company Involved In Service And Maintenance

Aqua Drilling has secured its name in the drilling and borehole industry with its excellent services for domestic, agricultural and industrial area.